Monday, 10 September 2012

One Direction at the VMA'S.

Now surely every Directioner watched the vma's last weeked. Where to begin. I started watching it, & legit 30 seconds into the show they start talking about One Direction and you see the boys walking the red carpet. I knew i was going to like it this year.

Oh my boys looked so good. Although im not liking the quiffs. I mean i like it on Zayn cause that is his original hairstyle, but i dont like that they've made the others do their hair like that. I miss Louis' fringe :( Boo.

Whilst on the red carpet, One Direction won their first award for Most Share-worthy Video. Yay for the boys ! They beat Justin Bieber. Then won they're secong award for Best Pop Video.

The second award was preseted by Katy Perry. And im sure you all know what happened when the boys went on stage.

That's right guys. Katy Perry kissed Niall & Harry. Now i dont know about you but im jealous as hell. After that 'incident' you may call it, the boys made they're speech. Niall was so adorable. He was so nervous, you could see his hands shaking whilst holding the microphone.

& then this happened...

Haha i could not stop laughing ! Liam's a cutie. After recieving they're second award, they boys had their performance. They performed One Thing.

I personally think it was an amazingly amazing performance. The boys looked good, they were so enthusiastic, Harry definetly got into the performance. But if i was one of those girls on stage i wouldve jumped on the boys.. Just saying. I dont know how they just stood there.

After the performance, the boys won their third award for Best New Artist !

Look how happy they are. If anyone noticed Eleanor & Danielle in the backround. Then the boys go back on stage, thank everyone again and this time they dont break the award. :L

Overall, it was a good night for the boys. Im super proud of them. & super thankful for them to be here today. Well done boys.

Comment your thoughts.

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